Simple steps to setup git repo on remote web server and sync it with local workstation

Steps to setup git repo on remote web server and sync it with local workstation

1. On Remote Web Server
    cd public_html/site/
    mkdir proj
    cd proj

    mkdir proj.git
    cd proj.git/
    git --bare init

    cd ..
    git clone /home/user/public_html/site/proj/proj.git proj

    cd proj
    touch index.php
    git add index.php
    git commit -m "init version"
    git push

2. On Local Workstaton:
    cd xaamp/htdocs
    git clone
    cd proj/

    touch index.php
    git add about.php
    git commit -m "added about"
    git push

3. On Remote Web Server
    git pull