MySQL Select Row With Most Recent Date Per User

PHP MySQL Date Formats

PHP Date Comparison Checks Using strtotime Function

PHP date comparison examples:

MySQL Update Column From Another Table Based On Where Clause

MySQL Decimals

Decimals can be added to a MySQL database by using the DECIMAL(M,D) data type. This requires 2 arguments. M is the maximum number of digits, ranging from 1 to 65. D is the number of decimal places available, ranging from 0 to 30. Note that […]

MySQL – Delete Duplicate Rows Keeping Latest

MySQL date to PHP date format

PHP Date Format List

Get file date time stamp using PHP in MySQL format

HTML select and optgroup tags building using PHP and MySQL

Following is piece of code that shows HTML select and optgroup tags building using PHP and MySQL. The following example is based of the database structure in OpenCart. Also, it is assumed that the select tags are already part of existing HTML. And sample result […]